She's Out of My League review

She's Out of My League completely surpassed my expectations. After seeing the trailer and TV spots like a million times, I had actually made up my mind that I did not want to see it, and that the whole idea that Jay Baruchel's character wasn't good-looking enough to be with Alice Eve was a somewhat mean-spirited idea to base a movie around. Not only was I wrong about the movie being mean-spirited and shallow, but it happened to be one of the best romantic comedies (albeit more raunchy than most) that i've seen in quite some time. I have come to the conclusion that She's out of my League is the perfect date movie. The crude humor will have that guys (and girls) falling out of their seat with laughter, but, unlike most movies with this type of humor, the film had the perfect even amount of sweetness mixed in...enough so, that it actually earned the genre "romantic comedy", and that you found yourself rooting for the two leads the whole time.

I do have one very big problem with the film though. The whole storyline centers around Kirk, an awkward, average looking (and freakishly skinny) guy who works at an airport, and by chance, meets Molly, a gorgeous, successful evert planner, and they end up dating. Here's the problem with this though: its not the fact that kirk isn't really good-looking, or that he doesn't have a lot of money or that he drives a shit-box, all of which are some of the many reasons his friends and family rattle off as to why he and Molly don't fit together. No, the REAL reason it was hard to buy Kirk and Molly as a couple is that the film forgot to do one key make Kirk charming! All we get out of his character the entire movie is an awkward, stuttering guy with absolutely zero confidence. And while he is indeed very sweet and considerate, I didn't feel it was enough for her to actually be attracted to him. However, if you go into the movie prepared to practice a lot of suspension of disbelief, I know you'll come out of the theater glad that you gave the movie a chance.

Rating: B

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