Crazier Fan Base: Twilight or Hunger Games?

Twihards, rejoice:
Summit Entertainment has announced that the “Breaking Dawn: Part 2” teaser trailer will play before Lionsgate’s highly anticipated “The Hunger Games,” which hits theaters on March 23rd. In accordance with what has been done with the past “Twilight” trailers, a teaser of the teaser will hit the Internet early on March 20th to get the Twihards’ heart palpitations going and their butts into “The Hunger Games” midnight screenings so they can get the first taste of the end of their beloved franchise.

“The Hunger Games,” which recently broke the record previously held by “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” for first-day advanced ticket sales, is quickly on it’s way to achieving what can only be referred to as “Twilight-status fanaticism,” which begs the question: which fan base is more fervent?

While Team Edward and Team Jacob have been at it for years already, don’t be surprised if you start seeing Team Peeta and Team Gale shirts everywhere you turn – even with a less pronounced love triangle at its core. What can I say? Fans just love to show where their allegiance lies.

Having attended one of the “Hunger Games” mall tours (see below), I can tell you firsthand: those fans mean business. Whenever the host asked for volunteers from the audience, they were shrieks of: “I VOLUNTEER! I volunteer as tribute!” When Taylor Swift’s “Hunger Games” theme song, “Safe & Sound,” came on, the entire audience raised their three middle fingers in the air, the farewell salute from District 12, and swayed back and forth.

Chances are fans of “The Hunger Games” are more violent, seeing as the premise is centered around a massive fight to the death on live TV. Though Twilight fans are driven purely by hormones, and one should never underestimate pre-teen girls in heat.

The jury’s still out. But one thing is for certain: Shrieks will be heard around the world when both hardcore fanbases collide come the midnight screenings on March 22nd.

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