Top 10 Award Show Moments of 2012

With the Academy Awards just around the corner, the Oscar nuts slowly start to show their true colors: Our Facebook statuses become increasingly more movie-related, we scurry around trying to get ahold of all the nominated films, watch every single big award show leading up to the big day, carefully put together our predictions…some even have a red carpet that they roll out in front of their house (I admit this with only a slight twinge of shame). Regardless of whether you’ve seen the nominated films, there’s something about award shows that draw in those who immerse themselves in pop culture like a moth to a flame – you want to be in the know, and be watching with your own eyes when those memorable moments go down that are inevitably going to be blasted all over E! the next day. So in that spirit, here is my list of the top 10 award show moments of 2012:

10. Christopher Plummer’s winning streak

It’s a bit shocking that 81 year-old Christopher Plummer, who has been acting on the big screen since 1958, has yet to win an Academy Award. In fact, he wasn’t even nominated until 2010 for his performance in “The Last Station.” With a much-deserved winning streak for his endearing performance in “Beginners,” Plummer is a lock for the Best Supporting Actor Oscar at this year’s ceremony – and it’s about time!

9. Uggie the Dog

This doesn’t need much of an explanation. Anyone who has seen “The Artist” can’t help but be charmed by the world’s most famous canine. Bringing him along to the TV interviews and award shows is the best For Your Consideration campaign I’ve seen in quite a while.

8. Morgan Freeman receives the Cecil B. DeMille award

I’ve yet to meet someone who doesn’t love Morgan Freeman – or someone who doesn’t wish he would follow them around for the day to narrate his or her life. So it was touching and very fitting to watch Helen Mirren and Sidney Poitier present the lifetime achievement award to him, which was followed by a montage of all the illustrious work he’s done.

7. Meryl Streep’s Cinderella Moment

Meryl Streep, who is no stranger to giving acceptance speeches, pulled in laughs for two incredibly clumsy stints while accepting her Best Actress awards for “The Iron Lady.” First at the Golden Globes, when she rushed to the stage and, in her state of shock, forgot her reading glasses and dropped the S-bomb. Even more memorable, though, was her Cinderella moment at the BAFTAs, where she lost her heel as she made her way to the podium. Things just got better when Colin Firth gallantly retrieved her high heel for her and helped her slip her foot back in before she started her speech. And of course, Meryl made the whole clumsy affair seem like the epitome of grace and composure, like only Meryl Streep could.

6. Double photo-bomb at the Golden Globes

When Eric Stonestreet’s name was announced among the other nominees for Best Supporting Actor in a Television Series, his “Modern Family” co-star Jesse Tyler Ferguson got in his shot and held up a card saying “Whatever,” which just made everyone love the duo even more. But the evening’s photo-bombing didn’t stop there – Tina Fey made sure she got in nominee rival Amy Poehler’s shot, too.

5. Ricky Gervais hosting the Golden Globes

Maybe the anticipation of the impending controversy Gervais was going to cause was a bit overhyped, but regardless, Gervais proved again why people love watching him host, taking shots at Jodie Foster, Madonna, and my personal favorite, Johnny Depp, whom he put on the spot by asking him, “Be honest…have you seen ‘The Tourist’ yet?”

4. George Clooney compliments Michael Fassbender

During his Golden Globe acceptance speech for Best Actor in Drama, George Clooney had a few people to thank, Michael Fassbender in particular, saying,
“I would like to thank Michael Fassbender for taking over the frontal nude responsibly that I had.” He continued with, "Really Michael, honestly, you can play golf like this with your hands behind your back,” followed by him mocking golfing with no hands. His wonderfully inappropriate remark is still one of the best of the season so far.

3. Octavia Spencer

Who doesn’t love a rags-to-riches story? Octavia Spencer stole every scene she was in in “The Help,” and things weren’t much different at the award show circuit. Always impeccably dressed and made up, it has been impossible not to root for Spencer, who has consistently (along with co-star Viola Davis) delivered the most sincere, touching speeches of the season.

2. “Bridesmaids” cast introduces new drinking game

At this year’s Screen Actors Guild Awards, “Bridesmaids” stars Kristen Wigg, Maya Rudolph, and nominee Melissa McCarthy took the stage to introduce their film – but introduced us to something equally hilarious in the process. “You have to take a drink every time -- and I mean every time -- you hear the word Scorsese," explained Rudolph, while Melissa McCarthy stood there chugging a bottle of vodka. A drinking game for the ages!

1. Jean Dujardin's speeches

With the burst of industry support he’s receiving, Jean Dujardin has officially become the Best Actor frontrunner. Sure, everyone and their mother seems to love “The Artist” – but I’d be willing to be that Dujardin gets the big prize more because he charmed his way onto everyone’s ballot. I mean, seriously – he’s by no means my favorite male performance of the year, and even I’m rooting for him! Watch the clip below and tell me you don’t find yourself smiling.

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