Review: 'Kick-Ass'

"Why does everyone want to be Paris Hilton but nobody wants to be Spider-Man?"

This is the question posed by Dave, a "nobody" who decides to give being a real-life superhero a try. After finding outrageous success after a video of him fighting a group of gang members (while also getting his ass kicked) becomes the new youtube phenomenon, he inspires a wave of other regular-people-turned-superheros who decide to help fight crime.

The first half of the movie focuses on Dave/"Kick-Ass" (the superhero name he goes by), and his hilarious attempt at fighting crime without any powers or skill. However, the second half of the movie took a totally new turn. Once the other superhero's showed up, the tone of the movie went from mostly comedy, to comedy/action, to...Kill Bill. I'm talking Quentin Tarantino violence here. The problem was: comedy and gore could and often do work well together...but not usually when the gore is this realistic. After a while though, I was able to brush this aside and dealt with the fact that my brain would just have to start switching gears quicker to deal with the constant change in genre.

That being said, when the movie strutted its sense of was absolutely, positively hilarious! Aaron Johnson was great as Kick-Ass, and was definitely able to hold his own for most of the movie. The real gem of the film however, was Chloƫ Grace Moretz as Hit-Girl. The 11-year old, foul-mouthed, purple-haired crime-fighter was not only one of the funniest aspects of the movie, but was without a doubt the most bad-ass as well. This is definitely one newcomer to keep an eye out for. Christopher Mintz-Plasse (most famous for his role as "McLovin" in Superbad) barely gets to stretch his comedic muscles at all. The script hardly uses him, and its a damn shame.

With its mix of some pretty awesome action sequences and a hysterical premise, I was able to overlook the fact that the movie ran a little long and had too much stuff going on at once, because, was just so kick-ass!

Rating: B-

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Review: 'Chloe'

Atom Egoyan's new film, Chloe, is as unexpected as it is a fresh, which is not something I thought I would say about a film that yet again brings back the "psycho scorned lover" a la Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.

The story focuses on Catherine (Julianne Moore), a woman who suspects that her husband, David (Liam Neeson), is cheating on her. in order to find out for certain, she hires a call-girl named Chloe (Amanda Seyfried) to try and seduce her husband and report back on what happens. If the plot seems a little unlike the stuff these three huge stars have done in the past, you are spot on. However, with Atom Egoyan's elegant and stylistic direction, instead of coming off as trashy and campy, the story comes off as provocative and captivating. Instead of focusing on "sex", Egoyan chooses to focus on "sexuality", and its those sexual desires and motives of the main characters that keeps the story building and moving forwards.

The acting was fantastic all-around, most notable being Amanda Seyfried (who is previously known for her roles in movies such as Mean Girls and Mamma Mia), who gave a career-defining performance. It's this performance that is going to singlehandedly help her break out of the "wide-eyed, sweet girl" roles and on-to more serious stuff. Julianne Moore was great as usual, and gave a very strong, fearless performance. While the ending left me a little unsatisfied, the movie is so strange (and let me tell is one of the strangest movies i've ever NEED to know that going in) and interesting that I would even go for round two. Watch the trailer beforehand. You need to be prepared.

Rating: B-

**Watch the trailer here!

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New Sex and the City Trailer!!

With a little over a month until the much-anticipated Sex and the City 2's release, we have finally been graced with a new full-length trailer! And as if fans aren't already excited enough, look out for the return of Aiden in the new trailer! Sex and the City 2 will hit theaters on May 27th, 2010.

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Date Night review

Fans of 30 Rock and The Office take note: go see Date Night! Date Night, starring Tina Fey and Steve Carell, is about Phil and Claire Foster, and married couple with kids whose life has turned into a systematic, monotonous routine. One night they decide to spice things up a bit and go out to dinner in a trendy new restaurant in the city, minus reservations. When they get there and realize theres no way they're going to get a table, they make the seemingly harmless decision to just take someone else's reservations. What follows is crazy ride filled with mistaken identities, corrupt cops, and the Fosters on a run for their lives.

While the plot leaves something to be desired, what really saves Date Night is the hysterical combination of Fey and Carell. They were very believable as a couple, and way they played off each other is just as good as you would suspect. In addition to the duo, the film was packed with a bundle of others stars, including Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, James Franco and Ray Liotta, all who, even with their very minimal screen time, exponentially elevated the enjoyableness of the movie by their collective scenes. The humor mainly stems from the way the stars deliver their lines more than cleverness on the scripts part, but the entire cast is so effective and so likeable that it really didn't matter. All in all, unless you specifically dislike either of the two leads, Date Night is a great choice if you're looking for a good, fun night out at the movies.

Rating: B

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