Date Night review

Fans of 30 Rock and The Office take note: go see Date Night! Date Night, starring Tina Fey and Steve Carell, is about Phil and Claire Foster, and married couple with kids whose life has turned into a systematic, monotonous routine. One night they decide to spice things up a bit and go out to dinner in a trendy new restaurant in the city, minus reservations. When they get there and realize theres no way they're going to get a table, they make the seemingly harmless decision to just take someone else's reservations. What follows is crazy ride filled with mistaken identities, corrupt cops, and the Fosters on a run for their lives.

While the plot leaves something to be desired, what really saves Date Night is the hysterical combination of Fey and Carell. They were very believable as a couple, and way they played off each other is just as good as you would suspect. In addition to the duo, the film was packed with a bundle of others stars, including Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, James Franco and Ray Liotta, all who, even with their very minimal screen time, exponentially elevated the enjoyableness of the movie by their collective scenes. The humor mainly stems from the way the stars deliver their lines more than cleverness on the scripts part, but the entire cast is so effective and so likeable that it really didn't matter. All in all, unless you specifically dislike either of the two leads, Date Night is a great choice if you're looking for a good, fun night out at the movies.

Rating: B

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