Movie Review: 'No Strings Attached'

There are some actors and actresses whose mere presence in a film will predispose you to hold that film to a higher standard before even seeing it. As much love as I have for Ashton Kutcher, he is most certainly not one of those people. Natalie Portman, on the other hand, very much is. Not to sound like a hater on the genre, but when I first saw the trailer for NO STRINGS ATTACHED I was more than surprised to see Portman in such a, well, chick flick. V FOR VENDETTA, GARDEN STATE, BLACK SWAN…it’s just not usually the way she rolls. But it gave me some hope that NO STRINGS ATTACHED wouldn’t disappoint me… and disappoint it did not, even if it didn’t totally blow me away, Portman-style.

The aspect of NO STRINGS ATTACHED that people will probably appreciate the most is the raunchier humor. Right from the first scene, even I was a little caught off guard, as the younger versions of our main characters, Adam and Emma, are shown at camp together. They share a cute, small, emotional moment together… and then a young Adam very bluntly asks: “Can I finger you?” Yeah…not your typical rom-com dialogue. And, because of this constant, deliciously unexpected stray from the norm, NO STRINGS ATTACHED was that much funnier and far more enjoyable than I had originally hoped - even if it was still more toned down than it could have been.

Constant sex jokes shouldn’t really be too much of a surprise though given the plot (if you can even call if that). The title pretty much says it all. NO STRINGS ATTACHED focuses on two friends, Emma (Portman) and Adam (Kutcher), who decide to start a “friends with benefits” relationship – rules and all. No snuggling, no dates, no staring deeply into each other’s eyes… just straight up sex whenever either wants it at any point in the day. Every guy’s dream, right?

Now if you already caught on to the fact that these two characters are going to fall for each other by the end of the film… don’t fancy yourself clever. I don’t care how formula it is. I don’t even care that we get that same exact scene we’ve literally seen hundreds of times where the girl finally realizes her true feelings and rushes to go find the guy and tell him, only to see him with another girl who she automatically assumes is his new girlfriend. I’m digging this whole set-up, as familiar as it is.

Would it be nice to see some more originality in these kinds of movies? Absolutely. But the lack thereof shouldn’t tarnish anyone’s viewing experience – you KNOW what you’re expecting going in, and the film still manages to deliver on both the romance and the comedy.With some great chemistry between Portman and Kutcher, a sweet love story and some naughty humor, I recommend you see and appreciate NO STRINGS ATTACHED for what it is – just a fun, above-average chick flick… nothing more, nothing less.

Rating: B

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