Remember Me

This is one of those films that I feel like the trailer either made you really want to see it, or really put you off. Here's the thing about that trailer...the tone, is almost spot on. Do not go see Remember Me if you're simply looking for a sweet romance. This film and its themes are much more emotionally draining than meets the eye, and it is not a happy story. However, if you are looking for a film that will make you feel deeply and get you utterly invested in its characters and story, then it would be a travesty to pass up on Remember Me.

First of all, I need to make a disclaimer: if you have a problem with Robert Pattinson, leave it outside the door of the theater. I know it's easy to go into the movie with a lot of preconceived notions on how poorly he will do, and its hard to think of him as anyone else but Edward Cullen, but for the sake of this movie...give him a chance. I really think he will surprise you. While he has yet to fully ripen as an actor, Remember Me gave me sincere hope that he is well on his way, and he definitely has a few scenes in the film that show off his skills. The rest of the cast, including Emilie de Ravin, Pierce Brosnan, and Chris Cooper were fantastic as well. The quality of the acting and depth of the script both worked together flawlessly to make the audience really know and care about the characters.

I honestly don't want to give anything away about the story or plot...if you want to know what its about, watch the trailer and it will give you a glimpse into the general storyline. But this movie realistically explores love and loss better than i've seen in most recent movies, and going in with little knowledge of the film will indefinitely lead to a much more powerful, affecting movie-going experience. please go see it, and I would love to know what everyone thinks.

Rating: B+

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