The Bounty Hunter review

Oh how the mighty have fallen! Gerard Butler started out as someone I was a huge fan of. He went from playing the buff, screaming King Leonidas in 300, to the Phantom in The Phantom of the Opera. He was even able to make all the girls swoon we saw in P.S- I Love You. However, since the epic fail that was The Ugly Truth, i fear that he is starting to get type-casted in an extremely unlikable, and uninteresting role: The rough growling asshole. In The Bounty Hunter, he takes on this exact same persona. He plays Milo, a bounty hunter (hence the incredibly unique title) who is assigned to take his investigative journalist ex-wife Nicole (Jennifer Aniston) to jail for skipping her court date (she was arrested for assaulting a police officer) in order to investigate a lead. But the story couldn't be more predictable. Before we even get a glimpse of Butler and Aniston on screen together, we already know this is going to be a story of love that turned to hate that (shocker!) turns back to love. And this wouldn't bother me so much if it wasn't for the fact that I found it completely unbelievably that these characters ever loved each other! In the movies defense, I very much believed that they hated each other, which is the majority of the movie. But I couldn't even muster enough suspension of disbelief to convince myself that these two were ever in love, mainly due to the fact that the duo had zero chemistry. The storyline, while contrived, seemed like it wanted to be a sexy, fun rom-com. The big problem though, was that even with a few funny scenes and two stars as good-looking and sexy as Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston, the movie was still unable to conjure up any heat, but succeeded in boring me towards the end.

Rating: D+

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