Hot Tub Time Machine

Hot Tub Time Machine is most definitely going to succeed in the box office by using the same advertising tactic that Snakes on a Plane first mastered: let the audience know that the movie is SUPPOSED to be stupid. When I first saw Craig Robinson break the 4th wall and look at the camera in the trailer and say: "its like its some sort tub time machine!" I knew I had to see it. Going in with the right expectations to any movie is key, and Hot Tub Time Machine really lays it all out there for you to see in the preview. As far as stupid comedies go, it wasn't really the funniest, but it had it's moments where you could barely hear the next line since everyone in the theater was clapping and laughing so loudly. It is for those moments, and the hysterical performances from the four leads, that leads me to recommend Hot Tub Time Machine. Anyone who thought the trailer looked funny will enjoy the movie. If you didn't think the trailer was funny, you will probably hate it so stay far away. It's really just as simple as that.

Grade: B

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