Valentine's Day

Ahhh Valentine's Day. I don't know one girl that isn't totally pumped for Garry Marshall's star-studded new movie. With a cast like Ashton Kutcher, Jennifer Garner, Jessica Biel, Jamie Foxx, Julia Roberts, Bradley Cooper and many's hard not to be at least a little curious how on earth all these huge names ended up in the same film. I'll tell you this: the movie game "7 degrees" is gonna get a hell of a lot easier now that this movie has been made. The cast aside though, I think what most people are wondering is this: Is it actually a good movie? Or is it all hype? Valentine's Day is exactly what you would expect it to be: It's another interconnecting story line movie that focuses on a day in the life of multiple characters/couples on Valentine's Day in LA. While it wasn't especially funny and ran a little long for my taste (some moments felt like they were dragging), there were those moments that remind us girls why we love chick flicks so much. It's exactly what you need if you're looking for a simple, formula, adorable movie with a lot of heart. The actors all played off each other very well, and with a cast this enticing, this was to be expected. And I was very pleased to see that the connections between the characters existed to assist the movie and better it rather than just exist to give the actors more screen time. And while there were certain storyline's that I was just cravingggg to get more of (you should know going in that Taylor Squared have very small roles), I understand that there simply wasn't enough time. Is the storyline completely contrived? Of course. Is there anything remotely unique or original about the film? Absolutely not. But it does exactly what it set out to do: It makes you smile.

Rating: B

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