How do you think "Valentine's Day" will be?

So tonight, I'm seeing an early screening of Garry Marshall's new star-studded vehicle "Valentine's Day". I couldn't possibly be more excited for it...with the king of Chick Flicks directing and every actor under the sun starring, its hard (for someone with my weakness for romantic comedies, at least) to not be anxiously anticipating this movie. However the more I think about it, this movie can easily go one of two ways: either it can turn out somewhat like Love Actually, and just be absolutely delightful, with all the many stars playing off each other brilliantly and the connections between the characters serving to assist the movie. OR, and I'm really really hoping this isn't the case, it could turn out to be a total and complete mess. With 15+ huge stars all starring in the same movie, it might turn out that there simply is not enough time in the two hour long movie to give enough screen time to each couple. I'm just hoping that the screenplay and direction come together to make this movie as good as it should be. There is too much talent behind it for it to flop. Review coming tonight!

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